Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis
Research Professor Forensic Sciences
Dr. Elaine Lewis is a Research Associate Professor in the division of Forensic Molecular Biology of the Forensic Sciences Department at GWU. Her activities include laboratory research projects designed to improve human identity of forensic evidence via DNA profiles. She assists with the thesis research of the master’s students, both in design and implementation, of the lab-based projects related to DNA profiling. In addition, she works together with the department chairman in preparation of grant applications and manuscripts to be submitted for publication.
Dr. Lewis received a PhD in Human Genetics from the University of Michigan during the early days of molecular biology research. She pursued molecular biology in postdoctoral work, and in 1986 became an independent faculty member Departments of Molecular & Medical Genetics and Biochemistry at the Oregon Health Sciences University (OSHU). At OHSU she led a research program focused on gene expression of neurotransmitter biosynthetic enzymes in neural cell types, which was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 2006, Dr. Lewis changed her career direction to focus on the review and prioritization of grant applications submitted to the NIH, working as a Scientific Review Administrator in the National Institute on Aging. She returned to academia, genetics, and molecular biology research when she joined the Department of Forensics Sciences at GWU, becoming a faculty member in 2020.